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An Oral History of Binary Exploitation Defenses
Why Mitigations
Basic Setup
A Small Vulnerable Program - vuln_1
No Mitigations
Analyzing a Binary Without Mitigations
Exploit 1: Exploiting Like It's 1999
Exploit 2: Increasing Reliability with the NOP Sled
Exploit 3: Increase Reliability More With JMP/CALL RSP
NX and DEP
What is NX and DEP
Exploit 4: X86, 32-bit RET2LIBC
Introduction to ROP - Return Oriented Programming
Exploit 5: X64, 64-bit RET2LIBC
Stack Canaries or Stack Cookies
What are Stack Canaries
Enabling Stack Cookies - vuln_2
Leaking A Stack Cookie
Exploit 6: Exploiting vuln_2
ASLR - Address Space Layout Randomization
What is ASLR?
Enabling ASLR again
What Are the GOT and PLT?
Exploit 7: Tying everything together to defeat ASLR
Exploit 8: Look mom, no leaks!
Randomization Afterthoughts
What is PIE?
Exploit 9: Defeating PIE
Exhibition of Mastery
The challenge binary
Exploit 10.
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The challenge binary
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