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Responsible Red Teaming
Introduction & whoami
Course Discord
Course Layout & Expectations
Learning Outcomes
Disclaimer #1: I Am Not A Lawyer
Disclaimer #2: On RRT's Design
Ethics, Legality, & Red Team Operations
Definitions: Legality & OPSEC
What's Missing?
Definitions: Ethics & Responsibility
Scope is Paramount
Diving Deeper
Red Teaming & Legality
Red Teaming & Ethics
Red Teaming & Responsibility
The Red Teaming Pyramid: A Visual
Summary: Vignettes on Legality, Ethics, Responsibility, and OPSEC
Vignette: Not Legal
Vignette: Legal, but not Ethical
Vignette: Legal and Ethical, but not Responsible
Vignette: Legal, Ethical, and Responsible, but with poor OPSEC
Vignette: Legal, Ethical, Responsible, and good OPSEC
Responsible Red Teaming Principles
Four Core Principles of Responsible Red Teaming
Client Data Handling
Document, Document.... DOCUMENT.
Engagement Logging & Auditing
Lab: Terminal Logging, Elastic, & Fleet
Lab: Robust Red Team Infrastructure Monitoring with Sysmon for Linux
Tool Accountability: "Break Glass Protocol"
Lab: YARA Rules for Custom Red Team Tools (part 1/2)
Lab: YARA Rules for Custom Red Team Tools (part 2/2)
Responsible Red Team Infrastructure Design
Client Data Safety on the Wire
Cloud Assets & You: The Risk Calculus of the Cloud
Lab: The C2 Design Gauntlet (part 1/4)
Lab: The C2 Design Gauntlet (part 2/4)
Lab: The C2 Design Gauntlet (part 3/4)
Lab: The C2 Design Gauntlet (part 4/4)
Responsible Red Team Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures (TTPs)
Payload Environment Keying
Lab: The Key to Payload Safety (part 1/2)
Lab: The Key to Payload Safety (part 2/2)
Responsible Malware Emulation
Malware Emulation & Risk Reduction
Challenge: Responsible Malware Emulation
Debriefing & Reporting: The "So What" of Red Teaming
Reporting Responsibly
Capstone & Course Conclusion
Course Capstone: RisottoCorp Engagement Choose Your Own (Pwn) Adventure
Course Conclusion
Feedback Form
Thanks, Acknowledgements, & Course References
Malware Emulation & Risk Reduction
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