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Container Essentials
0: Intro
0-1: Welcome to the Course
1: Why Containers?
1-1: Why Containers?
2: Lab Setup
2-1: Lab Setup (Virtualbox)
2-2: Lab Setup (Azure)
2-3: Lab Setup - Docker Install
3: Container Basics
3-1: Images
3-2: Containers
3-3: Tools
4: Building with Docker
4-1: Dockerfiles
4-2: Registries
4-3: Volumes
4-4: Networks
4-5: Compose
4-6: WordPress with Compose
5: Swarm Mode
5-1: Swarm Setup
5-2: Swarm CLI
5-3: Docker Stacks
5-4: Docker Secrets
6: Security
6-1: Users
6-2: Capabilities
6-3: Resources
6-4: Static Analysis
7: Beyond Docker
7-1: Podman
7-2: Kubernetes
8: Conclusion
8-1: Exhibition of Mastery
8-2: Course Feedback
4-4: Networks
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